나는 이미 challnge를 앞두고 있다. 첫번째 challenge는 호주로 워킹홀리데이를 가는것이고, 두번째 challenge는 캐나다로 유학을 가는것이다. 사실 첫번째 것은 두번째를 위한 준비에 가깝지만, 그래도 2주안에 호주를 나가야되기 때문에 현재는 그것이 더 크게 느껴진다. 나는 새로운 음식을 먹는것 외에 작은 일에는 도전하는것을 별로 좋아하지않는다. 관광지를 가도 이미 다들 좋게 평가한곳을 가고, 드라마나 영화를 봐도 다른사람들이 추천한 것을 본다. 하지만 새로운 곳에 가는것과 나의 미래를 개척하는 일에는 큰 흥미가 있다. 나의 미래를 개척한다는 것이 내가 유명한, 성공한 사람이 되고싶다는 것을 의미하지는 않는다. 나의 미래를 더 행복하게 해줄 수 있는 방향이 있다면 나는 현재도 그러하듯이 더 나이가 든 뒤에도 주저하지 않고 도전 할 것이다.
I already have a challenge ahead of me. Fist challenge is going to Australia for work and holiday, and second one is going to Canada for study. In fact, the first one is more like a preparation for the second one, but I feel more pressured about Australia now because I have to go to there in a 2 weeks. Actually, I don't like challenge much except trying strange food. I choose a place where I want to trip by other's review, and choose a movie or drama by other's recommend. However, I'm interested in develop for my future and going somewhere not familiar to me. It doesn't mean the develop for my future is that I want to be a famous and success. If there is a direction that can make my future happier, I will challenge without hesitation even after I am older as it is today.
I already have a challenge ahead of me. Fist = The first challenge is going to Australia for work and holiday, and the second one is going to Canada for = to study. In fact, the first one is more like a preparation for the second one, but I feel more pressured about Australia now because I have to go to there in a 2 weeks= in two weeks. Actually, I don't like challenges much except trying strange food. I choose a place where I want to go for trip by other's review, and choose a movie or drama by other's recommend = recommendation. However, I'm interested in develop for my future and going somewhere not familiar to me. It doesn't mean the develop for my future is that I want to be a famous and success. If there is a direction that can make my future happier, I will challenge without hesitation even after I am older as it is today.
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