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어제오늘 배운거 : 경고, 충고, 이웃어쩌구

Whatever you do don't tell the teacher.

Don't forget to buy a phrase book.

Make sure you get fit before you do it

Don't wear that old shirt or else you'll never get the job.

If I were you, I'd buy her some flowers.

Whatch out for cars which are speeding.

The most important thing is to be on time for your new job.


opposite meanings 


1. I get on well with my neighbour - she's always smiling. ↔ My neighbour gets on my nerves-he's always complaning. 

2. It's never a problem if I ask a favour of my neighbours.  I'm always doing favours for my neighbours.

3. I prefer to mind my own business so I don't ask the neighbors personal questions. 

    ↔ I can be quite nosy so I often ask my neighbours about thier lives!

4. I sometimes invite my neighbor over for coffee. ↔ I like to keep (myself) to myself so my neighbour hasn't been in my house.  호주사람들은 킵 투 마이셀프 만 한다고한다. 마이셀프투 마이셀프하면 이상하다고 이건 uk에서 쓰는거라햇다.

5. My neighbour's dog is nuisance-he's always barking early in the morning. ↔ My neighbour has pets but they never disturb me.

6. We didn't get to know our neighbours for years. ↔ we made friends with our neighbours immediately.


새로 안것 : invite someone 'over' / nuisance : 쓰앵님이 누센스 라고 발음하심./  get on my nerves. 


내가 모르는 단어 :

phrase - 미사여'구' 할때 그 구. 문장은아닌데 단어 한개이상 모인거

get fit  - get healthy