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목요일 배운 내용 : article a/an : the first time something is mentioned. the : - to talk about something that has already mentioned or information that the speaker and the listener already know. - to talk about something when there is only one ( I look at the moon ) - before some plural place names ( the United States) - before seas, oceans, rivers ( the Nile River, the Pacific Ocean ) - before the names of some areas ( t..
어제오늘 배운거 : 경고, 충고, 이웃어쩌구 Whatever you do don't tell the teacher. Don't forget to buy a phrase book. Make sure you get fit before you do it Don't wear that old shirt or else you'll never get the job. If I were you, I'd buy her some flowers. Whatch out for cars which are speeding. The most important thing is to be on time for your new job. opposite meanings 1. I get on well with my neighbour - she's always smiling. ↔ My n..
Homework:What's your favorite junk food? Though I don't like junk food much, I really like coke. It's more than "like" I'm almost addicted in it. Nowadays I drink less than before, but just before few years, I usually drunk 200ml of coke every meal. I know It's harm to my health, so I drink sparkling water instead of coke. I heard sparkling water is not good to my stomach, just like other soda, but there is no sugar, so I think It's be..
What is your busiest day of the week? My friends call me a celebrity because they have to make an appointment at least a week for meet me. I have a schedule every weekend. So I'm busier in weekend than week days. Usually I go out to hanging out with my friends at downtown, but some times I drive to nearby like parks, mountains, even a coast. There is many good places in a hour from my home by a car. So I go out to every weekend, esp..
Homework:What is your favorite word in English? Actually, I've never thought about favorite word, but If I have to choose one, I like the word "sarcasm". I heard that in drama Big-bang theories. Sheldon, the main character, he often say something and explains himself it was sarcasm. He is funny character and It was really hilarious. Sometimes sarcasm can make listeners feel bad, but it can be just humor if you use it in moderation.
전화영어 숙제 - Homework:What kind of people annoy you? We have a word "Kkond-dae" in Korea. It means the people who insists their own opinion and doesn't care others mind. Mostly they are old because in Korea, we have a culture that younger people follow older people, so older people can be unilateral easily. They always say "When I was in your age~ blah blah" and ignore others situation or feeling because they think they already experienced about t..
전화영어숙제 - Homework: What kind of challenge would you like to try? 나는 이미 challnge를 앞두고 있다. 첫번째 challenge는 호주로 워킹홀리데이를 가는것이고, 두번째 challenge는 캐나다로 유학을 가는것이다. 사실 첫번째 것은 두번째를 위한 준비에 가깝지만, 그래도 2주안에 호주를 나가야되기 때문에 현재는 그것이 더 크게 느껴진다. 나는 새로운 음식을 먹는것 외에 작은 일에는 도전하는것을 별로 좋아하지않는다. 관광지를 가도 이미 다들 좋게 평가한곳을 가고, 드라마나 영화를 봐도 다른사람들이 추천한 것을 본다. 하지만 새로운 곳에 가는것과 나의 미래를 개척하는 일에는 큰 흥미가 있다. 나의 미래를 개척한다는 것이 내가 유명한, 성공한 사람이 되고싶다는 것을 의미하지는 않는다. 나의 미래를 더 행복하게 해줄 수 있는 방향이 있다면 나는 현재도 그러하듯이 더..
전화영어숙제 - Homework: What do you think is the most serious problem in the world? 아 주제가 계속 어려워서 한글로 먼저 적게된당 ㅠ 휴 오늘도 한글부터 고고! 음 아무래도 요즘은 전쟁이 제일 문제인것 같다. 내가 알기로는 아직도 내전중인 국가들이 많고, 그것 때문에 죄없는 사람들이 피해를 입는 경우가 많다. 가끔 기사를 읽거나 유튭을 보면 어린아이들이 부모를 잃거나 다치고, 또 트라우마로 고통받는 것을 볼 수 있다. 그리고 그 내전을 지원하기 위해 파병된 다른나라의 병사들 또한 전쟁의 트라우마로 그들의 나라로 돌아간 후에도 고통받기도 한다. 또 요즘 IS가 큰 문제로 대두되고 있는데, 그들은 심지어 그냥 전쟁이 아니라 무고한 사람들을 대상으로 테러를 저지르기 때문이다. 신념과 신념이 대립하고, 이해관계가 충돌하는 것을 아예 없앨 수 는 없기 떄문에 전쟁은 완전히 없어질 수 없다고 생각..