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어제오늘 배운내용


음...뭔가 리뷰하기 애매하다... 걍 말하기 이런게많어서


informal한 편지 formal하게 고치기


Hi bob : Dear Mr 이름

I just want to let you know : I amd writing to inform you

I'm so angry : I am extremely dissatisfied 강조는 갠춘하지만 앵그리같이 스트롱한건 쫌 구럼

your shop on friday : 상세주소

the size is wrong : the size is incorrect

It was really expensive = in addition It was very expensive

I reckon : I considr

pay me back : Give me a full refund

Give me a new one : replace it

Right away : immadiately or as soon as possible

get back to me soon : I look forward to hearing from you promptly




지도보고 bank찾기


opposite end of the street from the cinema 만약에 시네마가 길 왼쪽 끝이면 bank는 오른쪽끝


opposite the cinema 시네마 길건너


up the road from the supermarket 수퍼에서 쭉~


round the corner