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IELTS speaking : Understanding abstract and analytical questions

especailly? particulary, above all : 무엇보다도 그렇다~

specially ? specific purpose 



Part3 questions

= 대체 할 수 있는말


1. How important is it to enjoy your work? why?  to like what you do for living


   준비1분 : 자기계발하려면 즐겨야댐. 노력 < 즐김

   하루의 대다수의 시간을 일하면서 보냄

   그 일이 의미없다면 인생이 의미없음



   I think it is the most important thing that you can enjoy your job or not in your life. Because every people spend their lot of times for work. So It means If you have a job which you don't want and meaningless, You spend your time for nothing. How can say that life is worth? Spend time for meaning less, your life is meaningless too. In additionally, If you do something you like, you can do your best for doing it, It can make you get self-improvement.


와 1분넘기기 너무힘들어어어어어어어어빡툐


2. Having somewhere to live is a basic right. So should the state provide cheap =inexpensive housing for people who don't earn a lot of money =poor people? why?


As long as they belong to the state, the state is obliged to protect them.


3. In what ways do we measure personal achievement in our society =individual success?




4. What are some of the advantages=benefit of living in a large city?

5. Does tourism bring mainly positive of negative things to a country?

6. Workers in this country are usually entitled of four weeks' paid holiday. What are the benefits of ensuring that prople have paid holidays?



확신,동의 할때

I think

I believe

Personally, I think...

In my opinion

In my view

It seems to me that


When you would like to put a alternative viewpoint


I'm not sure that

I'm afraid I think : 나 맨날 말할때 I'm afraid to say 발음이 부자연스러웡..말로 많이 뱉어보기

Well, I don't know for sure but

Possibly, but

I tend to think